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Badminton England Club Volunteer Webinars

Badminton England

Badminton England has developed a brand new 2020-2021 Club Volunteer Webinar series, starting on Wednesday 23rd September. The programme will provide monthly training opportunities throughout the year for your club volunteers to develop their skills and knowledge.  

These free webinars cater for volunteers of all experience  levels  an d are relevant  to  all types of volunteer roles within your club. Each month uncovers a different theme, enabling you to learn from an expert, improve your knowledge and skills, and help your club thrive. Workshops will be delivered virtually by  a combination of  Badminton England staff and  Sport Structures  facilitators , as part of the Sport England Club Matters programme.

Each webinar is 1 or 2 hours in length and will be interactive to ensure you get the most out of attending. All workshops allow time to reflect and review your club whilst considering the key actions your club can implement to further improve.  Booking is now open and is essential to reserve your space. Please click below to view the full details of each webinar and to book.

You can book onto as many webinars as you wish so please take advantage of this great opportunity.

Available Webinars:

Wednesday 23rd September, 7pm – 8pm

Club Health Check (led by Badminton England)

CLICK HERE for more information & to book a place

Tuesday 20th October, 7pm – 8pm

Safeguarding (led by Badminton England)

CLICK HERE  for more information & to book a place

Thursday 19th November, 7pm - 9pm

Participant Experience (led by Sport Structures)

CLICK HERE  for more information & to book a place

Thursday 21st January, 7pm – 9pm

Developing a Marketing Strategy (led by Sport Structures)

CLICK HERE  for more information & to book a place

Tuesday 20th April, 7pm – 9pm

Leadership Teams (led by Sport Structures)

CLICK HERE  for more information & to book a place

For full information on all five webinars and to download the brochure, visit:

Information on the 2021 National Volunteer Conference, which will be delivered as an online programme of workshops, is also available using the weblink above and these workshops will be available to book from November.


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