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Avon County Badminton Association Committee

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Val O'Neill


Oversees Avon Badminton Association.

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Ian Nicholls

Vice Chair

Supports the Chairman and Committee and dealing with affiliation queries and issues as they arise.

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Judy White


Arranges committee meetings and the AGM, taking minutes and distributing them to those concerned.

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Laura Light

Development Officer and Coaching Coordinator

Working closely with the Badminton Community and partners to increase awareness and participation for badminton across all ages and abilities


Will Mellersh

County Captain

Manages team managers of all 6 county teams and takes the lead in the team selection process.


Carol Au-Yeung

Welfare Officer

Avon Badminton is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all parents, coaches, players and volunteers to share this commitment.


Gene Joyner


Co-ordinates all of our activities and volunteer efforts to promote badminton in the region.


Nigel Birkett

Affiliation Sec.

Deals with affiliation queries and issues as they arise.


Judith Ogden

Treasurer & Digital Officer

Keeps accounts of Avon Badminton Associations's incomings and expenditures.


Coordinates the social media and digital aspect of the County. If you have some news send it to us via the contact us page.   


Bob Hammersley

Events Secretary & Masters Coordinator 

Coordinates, organsies and oversees Avon's national events. Assist tournament organisers and/or directly organise and run Avon sponsored tournaments.

Organise  the running of Avon Masters badminton to support all our teams. 

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Val O'Neil

Badminton England Rep.

Avon delegate. Attends meetings in Milton Keynes on behalf of Avon at Badminton England.

League Representatives

Moira Roberts

Bristol League Rep. 

I oversee and regulate the Bristol Badminton League including the Men's, Women's and Mixed divisions.

Fiach O'Rourke

Bristol Singles League Rep.

I oversee and regulate the Bristol Singles League.

Georgina Francis

North Somerset League Rep.

I oversee and regulate the North Somerset Badminton League including the Level and Mixed divisions.

Penny Shears

Bristol Junior League Rep.

I oversee and regulate the Bristol Junior League.

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